WSAVA Expresses Opposition to Dog and Cat Meat Trade in New Position Statement

Photo credit: Change for Animals Foundation


The World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) has strongly expressed its opposition to the dog and cat meat trade in a new position statement.

Prepared by members of its Animal Wellness and Welfare Committee (AWWC), the Position Statement recognizes cultural variance on this issue but voices strong concerns about the welfare of dogs and cats at all stages of the meat trade. It also highlights mounting qualitative and quantitative evidence documenting the public health risks the trade poses in terms of compromising regional rabies control efforts and increasing the risk of disease transmission.

The statement concludes by calling for the rigorous enforcement of existing laws and supports new controls and regulations where current legislation does not exist, aimed at banning what is typically an inhumane and dangerous practice.

Co-chair of the AWWC, Dr. Shane Ryan said: “WSAVA’s member associations are vital in highlighting animal welfare issues in their region. They work with the appropriate government or regulatory bodies to resolve gaps or short-comings in any system that has detrimental outcomes on animal welfare.

“We understand there are cultural sensitivities around this issue but, as an association focused on advancing standards of companion animal health and welfare, it is important for us to make a very clear statement of our position on the dog and cat meat trade. We have serious concerns, not only about the welfare of the animals involved but, also about the potential health risks to the people who consume the meat. We are committed to working with our members, with veterinary professionals and with all other stakeholders to achieve positive change through education and consensus-building.”

The AWWC is developing the world’s first Global Welfare Guidelines for Companion Animal Practitioners, due to be launched at the WSAVA World Congress in Singapore in 2018.   The guidelines will provide animal welfare advice and direction for veterinarians through all stages of the companion animal-veterinary interaction. WSAVA will promote awareness of the guidelines and encourage their adoption as widely as possible.

WSAVA represents more than 200,000 veterinarians worldwide through its 101 member associations and is focused on enhancing the clinical care and welfare of all companion animals. Its core activities include the development of WSAVA Global Guidelines in key areas of veterinary practice. These guidelines aim to support veterinarians by setting standards of care and recommendations for best practice. Vaccination, nutrition, pain management and veterinary dentistry are already served by WSAVA Guidelines.

For further information, please contact:

Rebecca George, George PR, Tel: +00 44 1449 737281/+00 44 7974 161108/ email: